Всем привет! Приглашаем на ML REPA Meetup #7: Lessons learned from monitoring ML in production
Место: Zoom
Язык докладов English
В этот раз в программе будет только один доклад от Liran Nahum, Senior Data Scientist at Superwise.ai
Title: Lessons learned from monitoring ML in production
About: ML systems are inherently data-dependent, which creates a new level of complexity while trying to ensure their proper behaviour “in production”: from drifts to bias or data quality issues.
I will share common paradigms and key aspects that should be addressed while monitoring ML, and will review common pitfalls under different use cases.
Speaker info:
Liran Nahum is a Senior Data Scientist at Superwise.ai. He has MSc Applied Statistics & Machine Learning and over 7 years of experience in enterprise and startups.
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